Motivation behind " Design Start From Chair"
The Motivation Behind “Design Start From Chair”
The chair is and has always been the single first piece of furniture representing the first physical contact between the customer and your business and therefore, it also necessarily will project the initial impression, the initial vibe, the initial mood going forward, all of which translate into the feel of the venue’s ambience and the sense of the owners’ taste upon entering a café, restaurant or a corporate office etc.
Most clients make the common mistake of failing to plan and to plan well from conceptual layout to 3D virtualization, resulting in an atmosphere which is wholly incompatible and a consequential but costly effort in sourcing a mix and match of furniture in order to hide the shortcomings or to improve the vibe and ambience.
What we do at Perchair is to assist our clients to pre-empt such costly mistake. Hence, our motto, “Design Start From Chair”
Motivation behind " Design Start From Chair"
The Motivation Behind “Design Start From Chair”
The chair is and has always been the single first piece of furniture representing the first physical contact between the customer and your business and therefore, it also necessarily will project the initial impression, the initial vibe, the initial mood going forward, all of which translate into the feel of the venue’s ambience and the sense of the owners’ taste upon entering a café, restaurant or a corporate office etc.
Most clients make the common mistake of failing to plan and to plan well from conceptual layout to 3D virtualization, resulting in an atmosphere which is wholly incompatible and a consequential but costly effort in sourcing a mix and match of furniture in order to hide the shortcomings or to improve the vibe and ambience.
What we do at Perchair is to assist our clients to pre-empt such costly mistake. Hence, our motto, “Design Start From Chair”
Why do we only focus on chair?
Throughout history, the client’s initial judgement on business have always revolved around the chair. The importance of this cannot be ignored.
The chair is the soul of the environment that creates the atmosphere. Interacting with a quality chair generates a positive mood giving the customer comfort and security. The chair provides the ambience and vibe the owner wishes to convey.
Why interior design?
Most business owners either fail to plan or poorly plan the layout of their establishment. Without
thoughtful planning, businesses give in to disorganization and incompatibility between the structural
layout and interior decoration. Many businesses mix and match furniture leading to an unattractive
environment and visible shortcomings. Proper interior design planning is necessary to present an energy
that clients can feel and admire.
- We believe in providing 3D drawing to help clients bring their ideas to life.
- We connect and work with expert designers around the world allowing clients to see our range of chairs in various environment created by these designers.
- The ability to visualize our chairs in various environments give rise to our belief in the statement “one chair fits in many environment”.
- Interior design helps show what is not there by giving insight and inspiration to the potential users of empty space.
- 3D interior is designed to communicate a message to clients and felt from the moment they enter the business.
- 3D drawing explain how a space works in an impactful manner giving the client a meaningful representation of their business’s potential.
Why do we use international designers?
Clients will not have to choose their products alone. Rather, our designers are available to offer expert
advice, giving you confidence in choosing the products that fit you and your business. With extensive
first-hand experience and unparalleled skill, our designers will bring your dream environment to fruition.
- Connecting the interior designs around the world to create the atmosphere by using the selected chair, that we know how to “design start from chair”.
- International designer is to benefit the client to enjoy varience type of interior design which client never thought before.
- International designers show how a specific chair can be the centre point in a range of atmosphere.
- International designers can match your vision with the necessary furniture to deliver a comfortable and professional ambience.
Our working process

- Layout Plan
- Pick the Chair

Design Concept
- International Designer

Client will receive
- Design concept
- Layout plan
- Project Quotation